Petition to Attorney General of {user_data~State~My State}

Animals are some of the most vulnerable members of our society, and they deserve true legal protection. Too often, animal cruelty crimes are not taken seriously, and violent criminals face little to no consequences for the harm they inflict on innocent animals. 

Animal cruelty victims deserve justice!  

Animal abusers must be held accountable for their crimes. As a member of the Animal Legal Defense Fund, I support stronger enforcement of animal cruelty statutes and strong, effective sentencing for animal abusers in <<State>> that truly protect animals from further abuse and suffering.  

I know you are a person of kindness and compassion. I trust you will use the power of your office to advocate for justice for animal victims.  

Thank you, 
{user_data~First name} {user_data~Last name}
{user_data~City}, {user_data~State} {user_data~Postcode}

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