Urge your lawmakers to protect animals in the Farm Bill reauthorization!
Please take action today by signing our petition that encourages federal lawmakers to support animal protection measures in the next Farm Bill.
To whom it may concern:
The signatories below, as U.S. residents, urge you to make animal protection a priority in the reauthorization of the Farm Bill.
- The Mink VIRUS Act (H.R.3783), which would ban the cruel and declining industry of mink fur farming to protect public health and human safety from the risks of zoonotic disease transmission, including COVID-19 and avian flu, as well as address animal welfare concerns.
- Including language to clarify the USDA’s authority to confiscate animals at roadside zoos and puppy mills who are in danger of suffering.
- Including language to fund research and development for alternatives to ventilation shutdown, a cruel method of farmed animal depopulation.
Please OPPOSE:
- Language similar to the Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression (EATS) Act. Language has been included in the House version of the Farm Bill that would undermine the ability of states to enact their own laws to protect farmed animals and invalidate state laws that protect consumers, promote food safety, and protect animals from cruel confinement.
We respectfully ask that you prioritize pro-animal measures in the Farm Bill and oppose those, like the EATS Act language, that put millions of animals, and people, at risk.
Thank you for your consideration.