Sign the Animal Bill of Rights

Dear Governor:

As a supporter of the Animal Legal Defense Fund, I believe that animals deserve basic legal protections, recognized and enforced by law. I ask that you please use the power of your office to advocate for laws or policies that embody the spirit and principles of the following rights:

  • The Right of animals to have their interests represented in court and safeguarded by the law without impediments.
  • The Right of animals to have their status recognized under the law as living, feeling beings capable of a wide range of positive and negative experiences.
  • The Right of animals to be protected under the law from exploitation and cruelty.
  • The Right of animals in the wild to self-determination and an environment that allows them to engage in behavior natural to their species.
  • The Right of animals under human care to have their species-specific and individual needs fulfilled to maximize their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
  • The Right of animals subject to criminal acts to be legally recognized as crime victims.

Thank you for your attention and action to protect animals.

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