End Wildlife Services’ War on Wildlife 


Millions of native wild animals, including coyotes, mountain lions, and bears, are targeted and killed by Wildlife Services – a program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Wildlife Services’ reckless actions are not only cruel, they rely on outdated science. Wildlife Services uses painful killing methods such as leghold traps and wire snares, which maim and trap animals who may take several days to die.

Tell Wildlife Services to stop using your tax dollars to slaughter animals by signing our petition below.

Dear Wildlife Services,

I do not support the indiscriminate killing of America’s native wild animals such as bears, bald eagles, coyotes, and mountain lions. Wildlife Services has a long history of harming our ecosystems and ignoring animal protection laws by using cruel methods to kill native predators.

Please protect our lands, and the animals who live in them, by following science-based wildlife management practices. Nonlethal predator control programs are more effective and humane than your outdated programs. It’s time for Wildlife Services to move into the 21st century and embrace humane wildlife management.

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