Coyote laying in the sand with legs outstretched looking off into the distance to the left.

PETITION TO: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Stop the War on Wildlife!

As a supporter of the Animal Legal Defense Fund and a concerned American, I am outraged by Wildlife Services’ rampant slaughter of wolves, mountain lions, coyotes, bears, endangered condors and bald eagles, and other native wildlife.

The agency’s recklessness destroys ecosystems and violates animal protection laws by using inhumane and outdated killing methods such as poisoning, aerial gunning, leghold traps and strangulation snares — causing excruciating pain and needless suffering to animals.

This cruel, senseless war on wildlife is no less than a taxpayer-funded gift to the agricultural and ranching industry. Ranchers want wildlife killed so that they can make a higher profit when they sell their farmed animals to slaughter. But indiscriminate killing by Wildlife Services is ineffective at mitigating conflicts between wildlife and domestic animals, and puts every animal, as well as people, at risk.


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