Rabbit being held down my person's hand in rubber glove

Support the Humane Cosmetics Act!

Dear members of Congress:

I stand with the Animal Legal Defense Fund in supporting the passage of the Humane Cosmetics Act to ban cruel testing on animals for cosmetics and to stop the sale of products in the U.S. that have been tested on animals.

Millions of animals every year endure horrible abuses, without pain relief, for the purpose of testing cosmetics. Rabbits have caustic chemicals dripped in their eyes and smeared on their shaved skin. Guinea pigs and mice are force-fed or injected with potential toxins. All for the sake of cosmetics like perfume, lipstick, lotion, hairspray, and more. It is time to end cruel, needless experiments on animals, especially when there are more effective non-animal tests available, and many ingredients exist that are already safe for human use.

Please end cosmetics animal testing and all its cruelty.

For the animals,

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