Pass Goldie’s Act to Protect Innocent Animals!
Dear Members of Congress:
I am horrified that a known animal abuser, Daniel Gingerich, who had nearly 200 documented violations of the Animal Welfare Act, was permitted to continue operating a puppy mill under the USDA’s watch — leading to the continued suffering and death of animals. As your constituent and on behalf of Goldie, one of Gingerich’s victims who died as a result of severe neglect because the USDA failed to intervene, I am calling on you to pass Goldie’s Act without delay.
Goldie’s Act would require the USDA to:
- Conduct yearly inspections of facilities licensed by the USDA as a minimum requirement, with access to all facilities at reasonable times, and require detailed descriptions of any violations observed.
- Confiscate animals who are clearly suffering from physical and psychological harm as a result of failure to comply with the AWA.
- Charge significant monetary penalties for violations.
- Circulate inspection information with state, local, and municipal animal control or law enforcement within 24 hours of inspection or investigation.
The USDA must do its job and uphold the protections of the Animal Welfare Act. Goldie’s Act is a powerful step forward in requiring the USDA to do its job, preventing animal abuse, and holding responsible those who perpetrate acts of cruelty and neglect. Thank you in advance for taking action on behalf of millions of animals who will be spared suffering and death when this measure passes.
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