Sow and piglets

Tell The Federal Government: Don’t Turn Your Back on Farmed Animals and Voters

I am extremely disappointed that the Federal Government put corporate interests above the will of the people to ban inhumane animal agriculture industry practices. California’s Proposition 12 measure (Prop 12), has modest, but important, requirements which merely protect mother pigs, chickens used in egg production, and calves raised for veal from cruel intensive confinement — and protects consumers in the state from purchasing products resulting from cruel confinement methods.

More so, California voters passed the measure with a ballot — clearly identifying that the public does not support cruel, intense confinement of farmed animals. Voter’s rights come before industry interests — and the government’s current position is a betrayal of not only our moral and ethical standards, but of democracy.

Other states have passed similar laws and additional are considering legislation — demonstrating that consumers and voters across the country want to end cruel, intensive confinement of farmed animals. If the Federal Government truly wants an “even playing field”, as stated in part of your argument against Prop 12, the proper response would be to mandate humane minimum requirements for all of animal agriculture — not deny progress and the will of the people.

I urge you to uphold the will of the people and mandate requirements for all animal agriculture practices, which have gone unregulated for far too long — resulting in severe cruelty to animals, unsafe environments for workers, and threats to public health.

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